The Animal Welfare Committee (IACUC) generally meets twice a year or at special requests based upon frequency of submissions. IACUC meets to decide whether requirements of the federal regulations assuring the welfare of animals (9 CFR, subchapter A) are met. The PI is denied or given approval to follow research protocol and procedures as specified. If any changes in protocol develop, a written request to IACUC must be submitted. The approval remains active for a period of one year from the date of certification. If project continues beyond one year, the PI must resubmit materials for renewal in a timely fashion so that the research may continue uninterrupted.

All inquiries regarding Animal Research and IACUC submission should be made to the Chair of the IACUC, Dr. Pamela Tuma (Biology) at 202-319-6681 or

The PI should contact OSP to initiate close-out procedures.

The National Institutes of Health policy on Animal Welfare can be found here.